Professor Rachael Cobb
Speech Topic: Parkinson’s disease
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the prognosis of Parkinson’s disease
Central Idea: Parkinson’s disease progresses through 5 stages.
Visual Aid: P/P Slide 2 (Holland, Moncivaiz)
Introduction: What do Pope St. John Paul the Great, the Reverend Billy Graham, former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, and American boxing legend Muhammad Ali all have in common? The answer is Parkinson’s disease. I was interested in learning more about this disease because my grandmother has been dealing with it for a couple decades now and her symptoms have recently become much more severe. While researching this subject I consulted …show more content…
You can only imagine how much smaller your life would be if you couldn’t get from the couch to the bathroom without someone’s help.
Transition: Personal Experience: This is basically where my grandma is at right now and she looks like she’s moving pretty quickly towards stage 5.
VI. When the patient progresses to stage 5 they are no longer able to take care of themselves (Glass, Jankovic)
A. Visual Aid: P/P Slide 8
B. Their rigidity has gotten to the point where they are now completely immobile and must be moved around by a wheelchair.
C. As you can probably guess this means that they are in need of constant around the clock care.
Transition: Surely by now you’ve been wondering if there is any way to cure or treat this disease.
VII. The sad truth is that the disease is irreversible.
A. Visual Aid: P/P Slide 9
B. But the good news is that the progression of the stages can be slowed down if the patient is diagnosed early on.
C. According to Harvard Health the medications used to treat Parkinson’s either increase the level of the patient’s dopamine or imitate the effect that dopamine has on the body (Harvard Health).
D. If the patient fails to respond to the medication other options such as deep brain stimulation and destroying small areas of the brain might also be considered (Harvard …show more content…
Step 1 is one side of the body, Step 2 is both sides, 3 is when you start developing problems getting around, 4 is when you need help getting around, and 5 is when you can’t get around except possibly in a wheelchair. So hopefully this speech might help you recognize early signs of Parkinson’s in your friends and family and if so maybe help them get the proper treatment early on. Thanks for listening.
1. Glass, John, Reviewer, “The Stages of Parkinson’s Disease,”, Last Reviewed
2. Holland, Kimberly and Moncivaiz, Aaron, “Famous Faces of Parkinson’s Disease,”, Medically Reviewed on 10/24/13 by George Krucik, MD, MBA,
3. Jankovic MD, Joseph, National Parkinson Foundation, “What are the Different Forms and Stages
of Parkinson’s Disease?”, Time 4:28-5:09,, 8/20/09,
4. "Parkinson's Disease." Harvard Medical School Health Topics A-z. Boston: Harvard Health
Publications, 2013. Credo Reference. Web. 7 Mar