The percentage of male nurses dipped to its …show more content…
Nursing comes with long stressful hours of intense work. Whether it’s being in an operating room or making rounds around the hospital, there is always something to be done on the job. The greatest challenge of all however, is the ability to maintain a well-respected personality toward patients and their families. But what’s so challenging about this? How is this even close to being the greatest challenge? The ability to hold back emotions toward patients is a trait that comes with practice. For instance, a patient is yelling at the nurse for not being able to smoke in the room. The patient doesn’t understand why smoking is prohibited and gets very ill toward the nurse. The nurse’s first reaction is to be disrespectful toward the patient; however, with good character the nurse is polite and nicely explains the reasoning to the patient. Myrtle Aydelotte, a nurse known for his charitable character once said, “Nursing encompasses an art, a humanistic orientation, a feeling for the value of the individual, and an intuitive sense of ethics, and of the appropriateness of action taken.” (Inspirational Quotes Every Nurse Should Read) The quality of respectfulness and loyalty is rare in society now so the ability to have these traits as a nurse is crucial to the work