It was between 1900 and 1930 that children’s fashion started to change. Boys fashion took on a more grown up male appearance and things that were once neutral like flowers and pink became known as a girls …show more content…
In the 1920’s the toys were segregated by gender, girl’s toys focused on domesticity and boy’s toys prepared boys for working in the industrial world. Boys got erector sets to build while the girls got sewing machines to make clothes. Going forward girl’s toys become more pink, become sexualized (dolls with breasts, big lips, makeup and skimpy clothes), and less practical for everyday household chores like before. Boys toys seem to keep the same idea of building things, but add in dinosaurs, guns, cars, camouflage, blood, guts and action figures with really detailed abs. Toys start to play into how we see boys and …show more content…
All household work should be taught to both boys and girls and chores should be matched up by the ability to do the chore. When it comes to toys I think kids should be able to play with whatever it is they like to allow their imagination to grow. For the most I think boys and girls should have freedom to wear what they want with some guidance when needed, like if it’s snowing outside or your climbing a tree a dress may not be the best idea. Allowing kids to freely express them selves would decrease angry outburst and turn them into happier healthier