Part 1: Questions
1. John Humphry’s is a Welsh Journalist and Broadcaster. He was a presenter for the Nine o’clock news, BBC News and BBC Radio. He is also the host of the BBC television show Mastermind. He is known to be quite persistent as a journalist.
David Crystal is a British Linguistics Professor at the University of Wales. Many of his works are on the subject of language. Currently he works as a writer and lecturer. He has also been a presenter on multiple radio and television shows.
Looking at the topic of the assignment being about the increasing use of text language and at each of the authors’ professions, Humphry’s being a Journalist and Crystal being a Linguist, the reliability of Humphry’s …show more content…
He substantiates his view by using evidence from reliable studies.
7. Crystal appeals that text language is just an indication of the ever-evolving English language and that by stopping it, it prohibits that creative sides of individuals from coming out. Part 2: Framework for argument essay
Main proposal/hypothesis
Texters and SMS vandals are destroying our language and turning our children into illiterates.
Reasons for Arguments in favour:
1. Destroying English language
2. It shows that people have become too lazy to spell and punctuate properly.
3. Abbreviations cannot be interpreted or are misunderstood. Evidence and examples:
1. Lack of punctuation and increasing use of abbreviations
2. “[The dictionary] has removed the hyphen from…16,000 words.” “The spell-check (sorry: spellcheck) …”
3. “…I had assumed LOL meant ‘lots of love’…it means ‘laugh out loud’.”
Opposing arguments:
1. Children are not becoming illiterates.
2. Text users are not destroying the English language.
3. Text language users do know how to spell correctly. Reasons and evidence:
1. Studies have shown that children who use text language score better in tests and are generally better at spelling.
2. They are being creative. The language is evolving. Not all who text use