As soon as a person turns five years old they are expected to go to school and stay in school until they have obtained a degree; in fact, in the state of California, kids are required to attend school up until high school. However, education is not a requirement in all parts of the world, like developing countries for example, therefore it may be harder for people in that situation to become literate. In Frederick Douglass’ “Learning to Read and Write” and Sherman Alexie’s “The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me,” both authors share the process through which they became literate. Because of the color of their skin and the times in which they lived in, becoming literate was not an easy task.…
Kassidy Bollman is the student who I have had the pleasure of working with over the past several weeks. Kassidy and her twin sister, Hailey, are 7 years old. She is a fan of, anything pink, chicken noodle soup, reading, and the movie Frozen. During this time that I spent with Kassidy, I found that she added personality to the stories that she read aloud. When I asked Kassidy how she felt about reading she said that she enjoys reading.…
In the story “Maria's story” by maria cardenas she described the struggles she went through in life, from working on the fields at a very young ,to her dad abusing her mother, being raped and getting pregnant by her rapist, lastly having to marry her child's father who physically abused her. Cardenas developed an urge to teach herself to read. As she mentions “teaching myself to read became the most important goal in my life” (cardenas, pg.60). Reading became her number one priority because she wanted to be able to read books with her daughter. Which helped her and changed her life in many ways.…
Ogene Ochai Professor Thomas Writ 101 9 September 2014 Literacy Narrative Moving to the United States was a very hard transition for me. Learning how to speak the American English, and learning their spelling words was so difficult because I was raised speaking British English, learning the morals, culture and how you guys communicated with one another was also a hard part of moving down here. I already knew how to speak English when I moved to the United States, but I spoke British English, and spelt words differently from the Americans. For example, the Americans spells color without a “U” and with the background I had we spelt the word “color” with a U, and we used the same words but some of them has…
Ironically, though I wasn’t immediately taken with reading, I became an avid reader after those first few difficult years. I was a regular at my elementary school’s small library, and I competed in everything book-related that I could. Battle of the books, spelling bees, and English classes were my favorite pastimes in grade school. Other children dreaded completing summer reading and literature studies, but I looked at reading…
At the beginning of the semester I have struggled with the critical thinking category. But thought English 101 it has improved. I struggled with reading a text and identifying the purpose and the audience. I also struggled with, analyzing as well as respond to the different audience and contexts. The literacy narrative helped me to understand what my audience, purpose, and genre was.…
My journey with literacy has been a part of my life and began before I even entered school. During my early days you would say I was a “repeater”. I repeated things that I would hear from my parents and people that were around me all the time. Some of them were good to say and some not so good to say. My parents always sat down and read to me.…
When I was a young child I do not remember being read to. I do not have meaningful moments with children’s books. It wasn’t until Children’s literature class that I began exploring children’s books. I was surprise to know that most of my class had familiarly with many of the books mention in class. I felt left out, nevertheless I didn’t think I was missing anything from those experiences.…
When writing my literacy narrative, I ran into many problems. Such as grammar problems, sticking to one story, and my thesis. I had several grammatical issues, but one main one known as comma splices. One of my problems was sticking to one story, I began talking about many different stories instead of just focusing on one topic. Coming up with a thesis can be challenging at times.…
Throughout my entire school career, I have been frustrated at my math classes, but it wasn’t that they were going too fast; it was that they were going too slow. Every opportunity to move ahead I was given, I used. When I was given the chance to move up from Algebra II to pre-calculus, I studied for hours every day up until the day of the test came. “Beep! Beep!…
Personal Literacy Statement for Shannon Brasher While I don’t remember learning to read as a child, I do remember being forced to read books that I had no interest in. Not only was this not enjoyable as I was not interested in the book, often times they were considered old classics like Shakespeare which were hard for me to comprehend what I was reading. This lead not only to frustration but I would quit reading the book which caused me to miss out on whatever the teacher was trying to teach. As a teacher I would strive to promote a love of reading in my students by allowing them to choose what they read from a selection of books.…
Narrative- On 8Apr17 at 1236 hrs. I, Deputy Halbasch, was dispatched to 20880 Co Rd 91 for the report of an OFP violation. Dispatch informed me Amy Strandell was reporting that Lane Strandell had forced his way into the house after he was allowed to stay/reside in a cabin behind the home.…
My Literacy Autobiography I was in the second grade when I first fell in love with reading. Reading was always my escape from the real world. I was never a fan of writing. Writing papers was my biggest fear when I was in grade school. As I got older, the number of books I read began to lessen.…
Hi classmates of group Norway. I’d like to start by saying that you make a good job. Congratulations.…
As an adult Pippi Longstocking would be much like she is as a child. Pippi will have the same child-like way about her for the rest of her life. There would be no reason she would have to mature or change her ways of living. As a child she lives on her own, while taking care of two animals. Pippi cooks, cleans and finds ways of getting everything she needs.…