Similar to before, she did excellent on initial consonants, short vowels, diagraphs, and blends. However, she missed one on her final consonants. The word that I had given Kassidy was “wait” she spelled it “waite.” Once I scored the common long vowels and other vowels, it was evident to me that, within word pattern, middle to late, was her spelling stage. She scored a four out of seven each of the sections. Before I began scoring the inflected endings section, I was surprised to see that Kassidy scored a few points. She was very consistent with words that had “-ed” endings. There were three words on this test with that specific ending and she spelled all of those words with that ending correct. I could confirm with the previous test that she had difficulties with ending such as “-ies” and “-pping.” When I scored her feature points she made forty-five out of fifty-six points. She also spelled sixteen out of twenty-six points correct. Kassidy’s overall spelling stage is within word pattern, middle to
Similar to before, she did excellent on initial consonants, short vowels, diagraphs, and blends. However, she missed one on her final consonants. The word that I had given Kassidy was “wait” she spelled it “waite.” Once I scored the common long vowels and other vowels, it was evident to me that, within word pattern, middle to late, was her spelling stage. She scored a four out of seven each of the sections. Before I began scoring the inflected endings section, I was surprised to see that Kassidy scored a few points. She was very consistent with words that had “-ed” endings. There were three words on this test with that specific ending and she spelled all of those words with that ending correct. I could confirm with the previous test that she had difficulties with ending such as “-ies” and “-pping.” When I scored her feature points she made forty-five out of fifty-six points. She also spelled sixteen out of twenty-six points correct. Kassidy’s overall spelling stage is within word pattern, middle to