Presenting Problem:
The client is reporting difficulties with excessive worrying, having a hard time concentrating, having trouble sleeping, and having trouble controlling the worries and feelings of nervousness. The client reports experiencing excessive worrying about home, work and school which leads to difficulties sleeping because “she can’t shut her mind off”. The client states that the she feels “she can’t control the worrying, that her mind just takes over all the time.” The client reports experiencing physical symptoms which include: “My heart is constantly pounding, I’m always sweating, and my stomach hurts most days.” The client communicates having difficulty concerning in school and at work because of the constant worry.
History of the Presenting Problem:
Client stated that current problems have been persistent for every day, multiple times a day for 6 months. She reports noticing symptoms in September of this year, when the …show more content…
Hannah reports that she is close with her mother and siblings, but hasn’t seen her dad since the divorce. Hannah states “she felt sad at first when he dad no longer showed up, but she now its angry with him because she’s had to step up and help.” Hannah reports having a good relationship with all her siblings and often spends most of her time with them. The client reports having to care for her younger siblings most days out of the week due to her mother’s work schedule. The client reports having to cook dinner and provide most meals for the children because even when her mom is there she’s working. The client states that her mother’s work hours have significantly increased since her parents divorce because her mother needs more money to take care of the