Evaluating My Communication Style Analysis

Improved Essays
Recent surveys by Lehman and DuFrene (2013), found: Executives contribute their success in the field to an ability to write and speak (p.3). The first step in becoming a successful communicator is understanding how you communicate, and how others communicate with you. The communication style assessment, classified my style as reflective. Those who are reflective are able to build appropriate self-knowledge, and by listening to peers increase overall social competence of others will develop positively (Erzsébet, 2013, p.747). In addition to reflective there is a directive, emotive, and supportive. Every style has a different approach to communicating, and understanding that differences is essential to developing a rapport. Evaluating my style allows me to understand why I chose to communication my way, how I can communicate with others positively, and how to be a more observant communicator. …show more content…
Logical thinkers who analyze others and situations (Hanke & Stacey, 2009, p.22). While I tend to make less mistakes when communicating, but however, I am less likely to approach others first. I want more time to analyze how they present themselves, so I can determine how aggressive they are. Before completing the assessment, I never put thought into timelines, but I underestimated how important they are to me. If I have a deadline, it affects my mood. If it is at all possible, I attempt to get the work done before doing anything else. As a reflective communicator, personal relationships are less important than completing the objective. Likewise, the personal values I have devolved over my life are from the mistakes I made from making a hasty decision. I value making decisions with all the information available, living by your values results in a fulfilling and satisfying life (Gibb, 2010,

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