I was sweating the entire car ride there. I was nervous to be volunteering for the first time, but also nervous to be dealing with other people’s kids. My boyfriend drove me there because I did not have my own car then, he kissed me on the forehead and assured me that everything would be fine, and then off I went. I walked into the front doors, unsure of where to go, and I saw some of my fellow classmates so I decided to go where they were. We all stood there for about fifteen minutes before a teacher popped out of a room and told us to follow her. She split all of us off into different grade level halls, then after that we were each assigned to our own classroom and teacher. I do not recall my assigned teachers name, although I really wish I had because I owe her such a huge “thankful.” The classroom was so cute, and little tables and chairs were absolutely adorable. There were many colors in the room. On the walls were vocabulary words, math problems, classroom rules, the alphabet, and the number system. One side of the room, as soon as I walked in; on the right, were the children’s cubbies and coat hangers. Next to the cubbies was a supply closet for the teacher to keep things. In the far left corner of the room was a little reading station, with an alphabet carpet. The tables were circles, there were about six of them. And, in the back of the room, as soon as I walked in; on the left, was a …show more content…
I love being in my Teaching and Technology class, learning about all the things that I’m going to need as a teacher, and what it takes to be an educator. Anytime things get tough at school, I just think back to that event and remember why I am here. I am here to learn how to brighten the minds of our future leaders. No amount of difficulty or hardship will be able to pull me away from this profession. I wish I had remembered the name to that very inspiring teacher. She does not know that she was more than just someone to help me to gain the TN Promise community service hours I needed. She does not know that she impacted the life of someone and helped lead them in a great direction. If I ever return to that school for any reason whatsoever, I hope to find her and tell her what she helped me realize. It is amazing how someone can end up being an influence when they are not even trying. I am quite sure that she only thought she was helping me gain TN Promise hours. I thought, at first, that that was the only reason I was there also. But, it turned out to be so much more. That night turned out to be one of the most important nights of my life. One day I hope to impact someone the way that that teacher impacted me. I hope that someone remembers me like I remember her. Whether they remember my name or not. I just hope be an impactful person. And, thanks to that event, hopefully I will