Essay On Gender Stratification In America

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The United States of America is known as the “great melting pot” of the world, the home of the brave, and the land of the free. The ideal society, some might say, but America is far from achieving this utopian society that it has been designated as. Now, in the 21st century, after decades of being suppressed woman are taking a stand and speaking out against the injustice and inequalities they have endured, they are taking a stand against the wage gap. A gap, that is so large, that for every dollar a man gets paid a woman receives 78 cents. Add citation The difference is so large that experts gave it a name, gender stratification. Gender stratification is the unequal distribution of society’s wealth, power, and privilege among the different …show more content…
Before women were allowed to pursue a career or an education or vote for the leader of their country they were subjected to the harsh realities of life. The woman who spoke out about their plight were labeled as radical and dangerous because they had dissented from the status quo and in doing so they became the unknown and history hate's the unknown. Throughout history some of the most hated human beings were radicals, people hate change but, sometimes, change is necessary to bring about a new and better society. In the beginning of the fight for equality there was little difference in how people acted and treated the inequalities but, behind their eyes, the wheels were starting to turn and one by one the citizens of America opened their eyes to the injustice that was being done. America, once again, became the shot that was heard round the world, the switch that shed light on the horrors of slavery and inequality, she was the beginning of the revolution that never ended. From those horrors, America rose, a new and industrialized civilization, a civilization in which women had both equal social and economic

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