Essay On Changing The Drinking Age To 18

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Mom, could you take me to volleyball practice, mom can you bring me to the party, mom can you pick me up at the mall, mom I have an orthodontist appointment. This is just a small list ideas going though the minds our state legislators in deciding if they should change the age guidelines for young drivers in Utah. If they do change it this "Mom take me places" will last forever. When we're little kids it was our dream to drive. We played imaginary driving with our friends, and when you turn fifteen you can't wait until you get your driver's license. That is what makes the sixteenth birthday big and fun how would it be if you were days away from being sixteen and to have them change it to eighteen. You waited sixteen years to drive and then they change it without considering the major impact it …show more content…
Teens struggling with learning responsibility certainly will struggle more at eighteen than they at sixteen. At sixteen teens are trying their place in the world. Driving helps make sixteen year olds more responsible because that is the time they get jobs and learn to balance events in their lives. If your mama says you have to be home at eight then, it is your responsibility to get home by eight. It is a good learning experience. You would rather want to learn before you go off to college because it gives you a couple of years before you go off to college. Wouldn't you rather learn how to get gas before you move out? Eighteen is the age you move out or start living on your own. In the report "Should 16-year old drive" it reads "it shouldn't matter what age you are as long as you have experience and practice". I totally agree. You pass your test and you feel confident that you are able to drive when you turn sixteen then you should be able to drive. It is a learning part of life something that helps us become better people, so law makers should not change the

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