A Rhetorical Analysis Of 'Your Parents Cocaine' By The Coup

Improved Essays
In the text “Your Parents Cocaine” by The Coup, the band does a great job at emphasizing how some people are born into a exceeding wealthy lifestyle where everything is handed to them without effort. The audience of the text seems to be directed towards young adults due to the profanity and explicit material. It seems as if the author has a stance against the “spoiled kids”, since the author puts a negative connotation on this topic. The tone expressed by the author seems to be a sarcastic comedic tone used to entertain the audience. An expository genre is expressed since the author repeatedly explains how easy the reckless kids have it in this music video. Altogether, The Coup effectively achieves their purpose of explaining how some people …show more content…
The author establishes a solid purpose which can be noticed from the context clues given off in the text, using rhetorical devices to get his point across. For example, repeatedly exaggerated scenarios that the wealthy people in the text would experience. The purpose is clear that the band is trying to place insight on how some people are lucky enough to be born into a wealthy lifestyle this message is directed to an audience of adults due to the profanity used. An example of the author emphasizing how some are born into wealth is “Your fortune guaranteed at the breast” (The Coup). This line expresses how some people are guaranteed a fortune when they are newborn and are breastfeeding, which can be a logical fallacy since it isn’t always true that spoiled kids aren’t always guaranteed with a fortune when they are born. Another logical fallacy the author uses is in the line “Your daddy’s got a business plan, Which made wars in Afghanistan” (The Coup). This would be a logical fallacy …show more content…
The song itself was written in 2012, a time period where some may consider as an economic crisis. While many people were facing several financial problems, there are also non working spoiled people that are living the life without worries. The song emphasizes the wealth of the targeted persona in the line “If cash talks, yours is a lion’s roar” (The Coup). A metaphor is used in this line to express how wealthy the persona is since if money could speak for him he would roar like a lion. What makes this song unique is the genre it would be classified under, which is rap and rock. Throughout history, music has been a popular way to express opinions and feelings about a subject. The band effectively expressed how they felt about these rich inequal individuals through a rap song. All and all, there is more to the text than what an average person could analyze such as the metaphors the band incorporated in the

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