It began innocently enough, prescribing pain medication to the most seriously ill patients, those afflicted with cancer or AIDS. Doctors were reluctant to prescribe opiates for fear of the implications of an addiction. A company called Pharma Purdue wanted to expand the distribution of pain medication by promoting a new drug, one without the …show more content…
There are many reasons why people become addicted to drugs. It may have innocently started in an effort to secure relief from pain, never knowing that what they were being given was highly addictive. Does it seem reasonable to punish people after the pharmaceutical companies created the epidemic of pain killer addiction while lining their pockets with enormous revenues at the expense of a person 's life? One cannot blame all addictions on the pharmaceutical companies however, they are a large contributor to the epidemic. Until people have a loved one addicted they will never understand whatever method you use, even it is another pill, as long as it works there is no need to cling onto old beliefs and idea 's about addition, that clearly are not