I understand how necessary a collaborative team is from my experience as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and from my volunteer work in the Special Olympics. As a PA, I will aspire to serve my community by working with a group of diverse healthcare professionals. In the ED, we not only play for our team, but also for our community. Our patient population is highly underserved and many of our patients have limited access to routine healthcare. In the future, I hope to provide quality care for patients in diverse and underserved areas. I believe that these communities need a champion of …show more content…
In order to overcome disease and injury, PAs and myself must first understand how they occur, using the medical model as our primary playbook. This model outlines a game plan for patient care based on the principles of physical examination, diagnostic testing, and appropriate treatment. I believe that patients, themselves, should be educated on how their risk factors, lifestyles, and medical histories play a role in their performance and prevention against injury and illness. In this sense, patients who suffer from ailments, ranging from polio to heart attacks, may avoid emergencies with the proper medical advice. My experience in emergency medicine and primary care make me a strong candidate because of the exposure to multiple fields of medicine. Given this, I am even more interested to learn about other specialties such as pediatrics and endocrinology. I look forward to building up my skills in multiple areas. I am inspired by the PAs I work with and shadow for they show mastery in multiple fields and their understanding of medicine is well-rounded. I believe that as competitors in the contest against disease, we must be the best in all the events we