Your dog is standing by the door, barking. Using our communication and connecting it with theirs we can figure out, that the dog probably wants to go outside. You open the door and the dog goes out. That is an example on how you learn to communicate with your dog. Humans and dogs do share a few things in common when it comes to communication. For people, we whimper to signal we are unhappy and have anxiety, and a whine is usually a sign of frustration. For dogs, English is a second language. They do not recognize all human sounds. For example, they have a hard time understanding sounds like “cuh” and “teh”. Dogs can learn many human sounds but, they can’t put them together. That’s why when you teach your dog to sit or stay, you …show more content…
A dog’s tail tells a lot about the dog. The direction he wags his tail, tells you if he’s happy and upbeat or not so happy. If he is wagging his tail to the left, that indicates he’s unhappy or unsure. If it’s to the right, it signals a positive feeling. A tucked tail is a gesture of submission, while an erect tail informs you he’s interested in what’s going on. If a dog has it’s ears raised, he is relaxed or listening to what’s going on. If your dog wants to play or is happy, he might pull his lips back and show his teeth, what might look like a smile. This is something a dog will only do with other humans and not other dogs. When a dog is afraid, his pupils in his eyes will dilate. Dogs will also wrinkle or straighten their foreheads to show confusion or