“Miss Representation” is a documentary film by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, who illustrates the way media portrays women and the issues that come along with this portrayal in the face of young girls while trying to expose it. In order for Newsom to get her point across she had to build a strong claim. The documentary sheds light on the portrayal of women and helps build a stronger claim on how this portrayal is wrong by sharing her story, using the stories of young girls who have had issues because of this portrayal, using visuals, and facts from successful women.
In the opening of the documentary Newsom begins by saying how she found out she was pregnant with a girl and how the pregnancy made her see clearly. Things such as the way her daughter would grow up in a society that portrays and stereotypes women by the way that they look. This helps the audience of the documentary piece the purpose of the documentary and how a whole …show more content…
These visuals vary from clips of movie scenes, to news clips. “The media is the message and the messenger and increasingly a powerful one” (02:49). This shows how different types of media effect the minds of kids that are growing and shaping their beliefs in the things that are seen. “When you really look at Hollywood and the different films that are being made you see the same stereotype being portrayed over and over again” (25:05). This shows how many movies have this portrayal of women being these sex objects and how they portray women to have perfect bodies, but also make them these ditzy girls. There are also clips showing how this image is incorporated into toys and the way little girls that want these toys can build this portrayal in their minds and affect them in the future. They also show this portrayal through video game. Using visuals helps the audience get a reference and example to what Newsom is talking