Stuart Hall’s “decoding-encoding” states that the viewer can either decode meaning in the messages according to their values, attitudes and beliefs and the messages that are decoded by the receivers can often lead miscommunication or wrong intention that in today’s society is quite often.
Ideally, women should be perceived as equals but such forms of media have continued to build against this idea through different outlets such as Hip-hop and Pop. Not only do they depict women in a sexual manner but provides a message to the public that all around the world woman are incapable of completing men’s tasks (Martin, 2007). Dear future husband by Meghan …show more content…
This is the problem with such music videos that negatively portray women as powerless and a disability to complete men’s tasks. Viewers are incapable to decode the likely message and Trainor’s Dear future husband is the typical representation of women showed all around the world that is viewed. A woman’s desire of a ‘lovable’, ‘caring’, and ‘strong’ husband willing to do anything for her. This entire longing for women’s needs is continued throughout the entire music clip and appendix 1 denotes that the man needs to be ‘strong’ to impress any woman. This constant stereotype of the women wanting a man of her dreams and her running the house conveys to the audience that every girl or women should have struggles to find the ‘right’ guy suited for her lifestyle from sexual intercourse to being able to cook. Hall’s reception theory can suggest that the viewers can either use this information to oppose the idea or positively support the degrading of women (Martin, 2007). When Meghan sings ‘you gotta know how to treat me like a lady’ it further supports that woman want to be treated with respect and that to find the right guy the women needs to prove he fits her criteria. However, in today’s society woman are regularly finding ways to be treated as equals with men. The degrading of women living up to stereotypes is further conveyed in