Dental Hygiene Reflective Essay Examples

Improved Essays
DEOH 302 Reflective Essay (Formative) Student ID: 7559879

The history section of the dental hygiene assessment provides the foundation for clinical decisions. Prior to commencing care plan, information gathered from the medical history is used to determine patient 's health status, contraindications to care and necessity for medical consultation (Pickett, 2010). Recognition of oral health related implication from the medical history section will assist dental professionals in risk analysis and precaution management for dental care. This essay will outline two similar critical incidents that took place in the clinical sessions where consultation between dentist, and physician is important in conducting a dental treatment plan.

Both incidents occurred during the initial appointment
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This will allows me the opportunity to prepare and consult clinicians early so when the patient comes, I can proceed the treatment knowing that they will be treated safely. Good oral hygiene is extremely important for at-risk of developing infective endocarditis patients. Their periodontal health status may promote the development of bacteremias and therefore oral health should be closely monitored to maintain sound teeth. Primary preventive measures such as oral hygiene instruction is critical for patient 's daily home care practices. During the treatment, I will be evaluating patient 's current oral care and provide appropriate advice accordingly. For example, suggesting different brushing techniques to achieve effective plaque removal. This will then be reviewed at subsequent appointment as change in behaviour takes time. Individuals go through stages of change, it is important for me to be mindful of the behaviour change theories when interacting with the patient. Recognition of the stage that the patient positioned will assist me in providing appropriate

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