What is love? This is one of the most frequently asked questions, but do people really know how to define it? Love is a choice we make in committing to someone and giving them our all. Love is not just a feeling.
Love can bring the best out in someone and the most joy, but it can also fade away. Love is sudden and wild, which is the reason it is so destructive, yet awesome. I had sworn off the entire male race for some time, and chose to concentrate on myself, however thinking back I didn't have. I simply expected to make sense of what I needed, and characterize love for myself because before I did not know what it was. Love is the most abused word on the planet, sometimes forever even gets tangled with it. Does forever even exist? Let’s talk about love, because I am certain that exists, but forever, I guess, that takes forever to figure out. Everybody has had that one significant other that told them “I will love you forever.” I know I have. …show more content…
Through all the fights, the cries, the broken hearts you still told your significant other “I will love you forever.” But will you really? You don't think it’s impossible to love someone forever, but you don't know what forever brings. We cannot promise to love someone forever, because we are not certain to even know what forever is. We should keep the promise of forever love to ourselves because we should love ourselves forever and always. Right now, though, I don't think I still love the person I said “I will love you forever” too. I realized I didn’t, that is not love. Love does not transform or morph into something else. Love is its’ own essence, is pure, unchanging, stays the same, and if it doesn’t, then it is something else. Something that is no longer what is use to be. We can’t tell if we will love someone in the future because we don't know what will happen in the future. You don't know what he’ll do or what you’ll or what someone else will do that could change everything. Love is disagreements sewed together with sentimental expectations. Love is demolished by examination and dismissal in the meantime. Love is unexpected and uncontrollable, but so hurtful, yet so excellence. People often forget what love is all about. Sometimes they only think about the gifts they get and not the true feeling of love. “He only got me flowers for our one year anniversary! My best friend’s boyfriend got her a new watch.” Does the gifts you receive correlate with the love you have for your significant other? People often mistaken love, for money. Some people aren't lucky Don’t be blinded by the gifts you receive, be blinded by the love you receive. Individuals build up a thought of what love ought to be founded on what they see from other individuals' affection. Each love is different; you will never have the same love twice. You were never intended to have the affection your cousin, closest companion or even your folks have on the grounds that that is not real on the off chance that it is not special to you. When you discover the love of your life you won’t think about if that individual is the “perfect match” or “your type,” you won’t worry for a second