People have affectionate feelings towards their animals, possessions, nature, or anything else. Lewis says, “Affection almost slinks or seeps through our lives. It lives with humble, un-dress, private things; soft slippers, old clothes, old jokes, the thump of a sleepy dog 's tail on the kitchen floor, the sound of a sewing-machine, a gollywog left on the lawn.” (The Four Loves 32). People are affectionate towards things that are familiar and comfortable and sometimes things that may not be necessarily comfortable in the beginning but become an essence of someone or …show more content…
It is not interest in something that holds the attention but it is love for the familiar and comfortable. That is why it is possible to still like our old things that we don 't use anymore but just like to have them in a corner where we can see it every once in a while. Not only that, but according to Lewis Affection can grow for something that originally may have been irritating. It can grow because instead of the need to keep looking for something to hold our attention we learn to love the specific things about a person. We learn to find the good in a person despite all of their flaws and then we learn to overlook their flaws. Affection Lewis ' definition is a lasting type of love.
Affection is the love behind the other loves that allows us to overlook the things we dislike to focus on the things we like. It is the one thing that even after something is no longer new or “interesting” allows us to keep loving it and hold on to it whether that be a person or just a material