Mrs. Webb
Humanities I- 3B
Title of paper The Dallas Museum of Art, located in downtown Dallas is a must visit place for any art lover.Offering a diverse array of special exhibitions such as, Divine Felines: Cats of Ancient Egypt, Passages in Modern Art: 1946-1996, The Wittgenstein Vitrine, Concentrations 60: Lucie Stahl, Art and Nature in the Middle Ages, and it also contains artwork from the Renaissance, Native Americans, and more, featuring works of art that span the globe. Their collection contains over 23,000 works of art from countless and time periods spanning 5,000 years of human creativity. The captivating nature of these exhibits allowed for one to walk into history by observing the fashion, events, emotions, …show more content…
It is kept in an almost pristine condition, which is astonishing considering how old it is and how many visitors come to see it everyday. Upon reading further on piece, one can see that every small aspect of the vitrine has some sort of a deeper meaning. For example, there are two people on either side of showcase that are “holding it up”. At the time, these roof supports showed themes of heroism and nationalism. The vitrine is a beautiful piece of art because once all the individual elements are understood, it has a holistic and comprehensive …show more content…
There were paintings, statues, and items from the period itself, like a table or chest of drawers. The elaborate detail shown in the artwork was what made it so immersive because it made the viewer feel like they were there during the Renaissance. Many of the pieces of art were religious and showed pictures of Jesus Christ giving aid to people or on the cross. The elaborate style of the paintings were sophisticated and detailed much like the society and culture of the Renaissance period, as the Renaissance was only prevalent amongst the wealthy elite. The art typically depicted events or portraits of significant people during the period. This was definitely the most simple of the displays put here because all of the paintings were lifelike and easy to decipher because they were also more straightforward and seldom open to interpretation unlike the photos in Concentrations 60. Overall, visiting the Dallas Museum of Art was a new and exciting experience because its exhibits really opens one’s eyes as to how art alone reflects different periods of time, cultures, and places around the world and evolves as does humanity. Moreover, it shows how art does not come from culture, but creates it and often evinces the psyche of its