• Correct language errors, if any, in the published document
On November 18, 2016, you submitted a draft procedure to me with the language error corrections you were recommending. The approximately 15 one-word recommendations you made included the following errors:
• “Maintains an inventory of stored furnitures for use in Central Office (CO) locations.”
• Coordinates the transfer and disposal of office furnitures at CO locations only. (In both cases above, you added an “s” to furniture even though the word furniture is an uncountable noun.)
• Normally, a computer equipment is expected to remain operative for at least the life of the warranty, (You added the …show more content…
DPDA procedure writers must be able to read and edit documents with accuracy, and have fundamental English grammar skills including how to use uncountable nouns like “furniture” and “equipment.”
Prior to your extended leave of absence (from May 12 – September 8th), I addressed grammar issues with you on at least two occasions:
• On February 24, 2016, I met with you to review your performance. One of the areas for improvement I identified was: “All writing needs to be clear and concise and checked for grammar, spelling, and consistency.” To address this deficiency, I recommended that you take an Effective Writing class which you attended on October 26-27. 2016.
• On March 22, 2016, I provided comments on a draft document you prepared, SP100081, Vending Machine Services, which included feedback on your inconsistent use of singular and plural nouns. (NOTE: On 3/18/16, I ORIGINALLY REFERRED TO THESE AS ERRORS IN TENSE, BEFORE CORRECTING on