I didn't have any childhood illnesses beside a usual cold. I went to Rozelle Elementary school my kindergarten year. Beside the story about how my mother gotten really sick after she gave moher I have heard another story. My mother friend birthday is on April 25th, which is the day I was born, he had got shot and killed couples days before his birthday and had the funeral on his birthday. My mom said it was so nice outside that day it was about 70 degrees or so and she had went into labor. But every year after that it rains, there has not been one year it didn’t rain. My mom had told me this story before my seventh birthday in February of 2015, so when my birthday came that year it didn’t rain out of sixteen years of birthday it finally didn’t rain. I’m hoping that on my 18th birthday it doesn't rain. When my mom had told me this story I was quite mad because I felt all these years I was being cursed. This a story she could have keep to herself, but in some way I’m happy she told
I didn't have any childhood illnesses beside a usual cold. I went to Rozelle Elementary school my kindergarten year. Beside the story about how my mother gotten really sick after she gave moher I have heard another story. My mother friend birthday is on April 25th, which is the day I was born, he had got shot and killed couples days before his birthday and had the funeral on his birthday. My mom said it was so nice outside that day it was about 70 degrees or so and she had went into labor. But every year after that it rains, there has not been one year it didn’t rain. My mom had told me this story before my seventh birthday in February of 2015, so when my birthday came that year it didn’t rain out of sixteen years of birthday it finally didn’t rain. I’m hoping that on my 18th birthday it doesn't rain. When my mom had told me this story I was quite mad because I felt all these years I was being cursed. This a story she could have keep to herself, but in some way I’m happy she told