When it comes to producing academic papers my writing style remains adaptive to meet the rhetorical context of a specific course. Meaning, my focus and attention is directed towards proper formatting, and writing a paper that engages a reader. My process involves narrowing in on a topic, gathering sources, free style writing, creating an outline, writing a draft, revisions, and then producing a final…
I second all of the points brought up by Chris in his responce to your incredible writing. I was deeply moved by your literacy narrative. By simply having the pleasure of spending the past month or so with you, I would have never known about the part of your life that you wrote so passionately about in your literacy narrative. I often find it so intriguing that everyone has a story that resonates so deeply with him or her. That is exactly why I think large projects such as Humans of New York (HONY) or class assignments such as this one are so important.…
Ashley, First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my rough draft. Second, I appreciate the constructive feedback that you have provided for me. It is extremely helpful to have another set of eyes going over what you have written. It is very easy for a writer to gloss over what their words when the have reviewed their paper repeatedly.…
Have you ever gone to school and didn’t know how to write or start an essay? I’m pretty sure this all happens to us, which is why we attend school to improve our writing. Seeing myself at the age of five, I’ve always wanted to write a paper as if I was a writer. Now being a ninth grader, I have improved a lot. Improvement came in a variety of ways such as, using proper vocabulary or even spelling a word correct.…
I have many feelings when approaching a writings assignment. The first feeling I get is stress. I stress over if I have comprehended the information correctly. I would reread the information at least twice. Then I research the subject to insuring that I have comprehended the information.…
Misconception was one of my biggest problem when writing. I tend to write down assignments at the last minute, expecting it to be a good paper. But I notice waited to the last minute wasn't the best idea. When I am writing I try my best to communicate with my peers. As a college student, I find myself the more I write the better I get when writing.…
What are some writing strategies I have incorporated into my writing style? Until this year I have never used a specific way of writing, I have always just written down what comes to my mind and then edited it to make it sound better. While being in dual English I have learned some new skills that will have a significant change in my writing, and I have decided to start incorporating these writing strategies to help my writing skills grow, they are, brainstorming, outlining what I am going to be writing about and how I am going to write about it, and using writing patterns to follow a map of how my essay is going to be written, through the use of these writing strategies my writing skills have greatly improved in just a short amount of time.…
Without the comments I wouldn’t know what to improve on with my writing habits and I’m glad they pointed my mistakes…
In the past my writing experiences have been both rewarding and disappointing. Disappointing because I seem to get a type of "stage fright" regarding the content in which I am to write about and my fear of failure. When the subject of what I am writing about is difficult and hard to find a positive outlet for, i.e. I am having a hard time getting in touch with my subject, the process of writing a research paper or summaries or any kind of extensive assignment becomes laborious and then procrastination starts to creep in. Despite how much I plan to take better care of my limited time I still manage to wait too long to start the project and then I am extremely stressed because I waited too long to start it.…
Reflective essay Writers Composition One has been a great experience for me. In High School I have been never the best at writing, therefore I wrote poor essays, but being in this writing class with Mrs. Martin has helped me greatly improve my writing. I have learned that writing a perfect essay requires three major things to be well written. These three major keys are personal responsibility, communication skills and critical thinking skills. If these are executed perfectly or with little error, then a person will write a great essay.…
I feel that the discussion post has helped me a lot because of the feedback I have gotten. Whether it was small stuff like maybe I wrote something wrong or there was a grammar error. I think I have been doing better with those problems I do still however continue to do it sometimes. Some of the challenges I have faced is starting any of the writing task we have done, but I feel that I have gotten at getting ideas of what to write. I would like to thank all of you for the feedback that I got it has helped me a lot with my writing and my writing process as well.…
William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White recognize many people consider writing difficult, especially when not everyone is practicing it daily. During the introduction of The Elements of Style White claims that often writers struggle to clearly present their ideas, what should be clear and easy to say presents scrambled and frail on paper. For this reason, it is White’s goal to help all aspiring writers to develop their own satisfactory writing style. The text is separated into basic grammar rules, how to structure your writing, misused words and expressions, and an approach to style. All four of these sections are written clear and concise and are easily put into practice in daily life.…
When it comes to writing; I have never really had a preferred method or process. For the most part I usually just try to force ideas out onto paper in a somewhat organized manner. I have always had a serious problem with procrastination and staying on subject, so if I do not find myself interested in what I am learning I always seem to zone out. Even when it comes to subjects I enjoy writing has never captivated my interest, and when I do manage to write something it is always terribly disorganized and hardly makes any sense. As of this year I have been working at paying closer attention in class and working on my writing skills as a whole.…
Growing up writing/ english was never a good subject to me. Reasoning behind it is because writing was so complex. The thoughts you have in your mind you try to jot on paper, but the way you think is not the way you write. You have to write to make the reader understand your thoughts. The reader decides my quality of my writing.…
During high school, I have learned and improve my writing each year. I was able to apply everything I learn in my writing, in each assignment I was able to notice a growth not only in my writing but also the way I elaborate my ideas. Throughout high school I was able to write different types of assignments that show my improvement and progress in my writing. When I started high school, I did not have a lot of knowledge about how to improve my writing. One of the writing assignments I had to make during freshman year was a creative essay.…