Slowly and carefully, I stand up. I walk over to the door, as quietly as I can, and I press my ear to the door. They're arguing quietly and I can tell they dont want me to hear. Mama is saying she doesnt want Baba to go because she knows he will get hurt. Baba says he has to because he has no other choice. The same thing they always argue about. I spin around on my heel to leave before they catch me, but as I spin, my half-finished braid slams against the door. Oops. Everyone is quiet. The door slowly slides open. …show more content…
Haven't we told you not to listen to our private conversations?"
"Yes, Mama, I'll just go to my room now bye," I say quickly, before running towards my room. She chases me, and grabs my hand and I fall, pulling her down too. We lay there for a moment, just laughing, until Baba comes in. He tells me and Mama not to run in the house, we might break something, blah blah blah. She gets up and helps him walk to a chair, and tells me to go outside and sit or water the flowers or something. Gladly.
I walk until i reach the fence in between our house and our neighbors house. I scramble over it and oh so gracefully almost fall into a small pond that I forget they put in every time I jump over. I knock on my best friend Yeyings window. I see her jump and turn quickly towards the window. She walks over to me and opens the window for me so I an get