通し番号02-050: Short Conversation (150 Words)
(Narrator): Listen to a conversation between two family members.
Alex: Hey, Josh, I’m having a hard time understanding what we’re talking about in philosophy class.
Josh: Alright Alex, What do you need help with?
Alex: Do you remember the lecture on thought and language?
Josh: Ah yes, that was pretty hard.
Alex: Could you explain it to me?
Josh: I can try. The professor asked us a question. He said, do you need language to think, or can we think without language? We argued about it for a while but we didn’t come to any answer.
Alex: Well of course you need language to think. When you think of a dog, you …show more content…
Paul: Hey Neal, how are you doing?
Neal: Pretty good, but I’m a little worried about my future. I really want to study art history, but I fee like if I get a degree in art history, It will be really hard for me to find a job after I graduate. There aren’t very many jobs for art history majors.
Paul: Ah, I see the problem. Why don’t you study a backup major?
Neal: What is a backup major?
Paul: Well, a lot of people study a major they really like, but might not get them a job. So, those people usually study what they love, and then study another major which could make them money. That way, if they can’t get a job with their first major, they can get one with their back-up major.
Neal: That’s a fantastic idea! I could study art history, because I love it, and then also study economics, so that I’ll be sure to have a job when I get out of college. (164 words)
Q. Inferring from the conversation, what does the word “back-up” mean?
1. When someone moves back.
2. When someone does two things, because the first thing might fail.
3. When someone studies what he or she …show more content…
Paul: Hey Juni, you’re graduating this year right? What do you want to do after college?
Juni: Well, first I’m going to graduate school for chemistry. And after that I want to do research in chemistry.
Paul: Really? Why do you want to do that?
Juni Because, my biggest goal in life is to help people. And I think that becoming a scientist is the best when to do that. People who do chemical research have time and time again discovered new medicines that have helped the lives of many people.
Paul: That’s a really nice dream you have. I want to help people with my life, too.
Juni: What do you want to do after you graduate?
Paul: I want to start a company. A company that pays its employees fairly. I want everyone in the company to make to same amount of money, from me to the lowest worker.
Juni: That’s quite an interesting dream. (149 words)
Q. What is the main topic of this conversation?
1. What Juni will do after college?
2. Chemistry.
3. Physics.
4. Life.
Q. What is Juni’s biggest goal in life?
1. To help