The kind of world that these two men live in is not a fair one. Men in this time are not very understanding or considerate. An example of a non considerate act in this story would be when the men begin to complain about a coworker, Candy’s dog. Candy’s dog is very old and they continue to bug Candy everyday about getting rid of the dog however, Candy has had this dog since it were just a pup and has been with Candy through everything. This dog is Candy’s only family left and Candy has no intention of getting rid of the dog. Due to the peer pressure of the workers however, Candy gives in and lets one of the men shoot his dog to put it out of its misery. When this act is done none of the men show any compassion towards Candy nor console him. Candy is devastated about the shooting of his dog. His dog was his life long friend and he let a random stranger shoot his closest friend due to peer pressure. “I oughtta shot that dog myself, George. I shouldn’t oughtta let no stranger shoot my dog.” (Steinbeck, p.61) Throughout this story Lennie and George usually stick to just each other to avoid as many problems as possible, however George does make some friends and realizes that he has been missing so many things by being stuck with Lennie all his life. George’s personality specifically would be like a father figure to Lennie. He did his best to keep Lennie away form any trouble and did whatever he could to support Lennie and him however, he did lose his temper rather quickly. The decision that George makes at the end of the story was to kill Lennie. The trouble that Lennie has got them into was that Lennie had murdered their bosses daughter-in-law. George would have never able to get them out of that problem, so …show more content…
Also, that the men that they were surrounded with in that time could have also influenced George to make that decision. They did the same to Candy’s dog and weren’t considerate to Candy and George maybe could have thought that eventually they would do the same with Lennie and he saw how Candy regretted not being the one to kill his closest friend so George did it before anyone could even think about it. I think that Lennie was George’s only family and now he is alone and he won’t know what to do without someone to have to support. I believe George made the wrong