Many of the members agreed that CHW is the advocate for the patient and navigating through the system to remove social determinate of health barriers. The CHW is key to developing trust to patients.
1. Traditional Health Workers must complete an Oregon Health Authority (OHA) approved training program to qualify for State certification. Information about getting course approval.
• Training Program Approval Application
• CEU Training Program Application
• Training Program Renewal Application
State of Oregon Link: …show more content…
5. Review the continuing education course requirement of 20-hours every three years.
• CEU seminars.
• Training at least quarterly and 3 – 4 hours on a quarterly bases.
6. Edward Smith-Burns, La Clinica felt he would rather worker with a CHW with the organization than to “un-train” individuals. To clarify, Edward was wondering if there could be professional levels for the CHW Program?
7. Sharon added Rogue Community Health had already implemented different CHW levels as follows.
• CHW 1 – Entry level. The CHW would work internally with staff members and not in the community population until they have shadowed and successfully completed competency checklist the CHW moves to level CHW 2. At La Clinica, CHW 1 would be a lay person, even a “grandfathered TWH”
• Competency Checklist:
• Exhibit cultural competency
• Time management
• Motivational interviewing (MI)
• Situational awareness
• CHW 2 – CHW received company cell phone and security.
• Each CHW is not tested, but reviewed and evaluated by Linda Larson (Lead CHW) AND Sharon Madara.
• CHW 3 – Fully skilled (learning objectives suggested by OHP?). At La Clinica, a CHW 3 would be a home visitor, which is getting closer to case …show more content…
• Culturally appropriate health education (All)
• CEUs and Webinars, approved by the state of Oregon and can credit be attached? (Linda Larson).
10. Teri would like to connect with Cliff and with the AH105: Communication and Professional Behavior instructors.
11. Teri asked the members if RCC does continuing education what the best days and time would be for their staff.
• Rogue Community Health – Work week with mandatory attendance (Sharon). New hire staff members work 4-Day/10-Hour work schedules, not limited to Saturdays (Rick).
• Edward Burns–Smith, La Clinica must take this information back to his team. We encourage training to get people into the workforce, but we must have a work/life balance.
12. Schedule and reserve a room in the Medford Higher Education Center to hold continuing education training.
13. Teri explained RCC can work with the Industry Partners and a budget will need to be developed to determine how many people would need to attend each class to cover our expenditures. Then organizing the events would need to be done. Or we can come up with four Industry Partners per year that are willing to “take on” the training and