Community Assessment Sample

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I live in Taylors, South Carolina. I live in an area located with many conveniences store and stores that meet my needs. I would say I live in a safe area and am very comfortable. Taylors is suburb in South Carolina. Taylors is connected to Greer. Taylors, South Carolina had a population of 21,617 in 2010 and has been increasing since. I live in Taylors, in a neighborhood called Winding Willow Trace.
Taylors is located in a very good area because there are multiple convenience stores, Clothing stores, restaurants, churches and gyms etc. Some examples of these stores are Target, Bi-lo, Walmart, Haywood mall, YMCA and Mexican restaurants etc. However, I have made surveys asking fellow neighbors in the Taylors area about how they felt in this
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For example, 6 out of 15 people from my survey enjoy Taylors how it is. Others have suggestions of how to ensure their safety and comfort. In the survey have made, as I reviewed the surveys i got similar suggestions on how to improve and ensure safety. To ensure safety throughout the Taylors area, People have came up with the suggestion of getting Surveillance cameras, as well as Getting signs for no guns and having an officer on duty 24 hours. These suggestions can be down throughout the area with the resources of,, and With the use of these organizations we can help everyone feel safe within their community.
I feel that with those organizations listed above we can ensure a peace and safe environment for everyone. These organizations will allow us to take action. These organizations can help the area with improper use of guns, allows us to see through surveillance what happens every minute of the day and it is a helpful use when needed for any reason, Also we'd like to get an officer to monitor the area 24 hours to keep a state law

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