College Admissions

Superior Essays
The College Admissions Crisis
Nation-wide, students suffer at the hands of the college admissions process and its scrupulous requirements. The standards by which students are allowed into college must be transformed to accommodate students of all backgrounds, not just the privileged who have the spare time to cater to the current standard. An average student in America is drowned in school assignments, studying for tests, doing extracurricular sports and joining clubs that look good on applications, working or doing community service. An average student is overworked. This admissions process is tailored to suit the lofty who have plenty of opportunity and spare time and an excess of resources, meanwhile students in a less positive situation
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A student who studies and works daily and has good grades throughout school should have access to a college of their choice, not just the students who have time and money for school clubs, community service, and sports. A privileged student whose parents can pay for tutors and cover all the students expenses for sports and extracurricular activities won't face the same struggles as a student with parents of low income who must work for their own time and dedicate their free time to such a job. The scale of the admissions process is tipped to raise the privileged above all others and this must be changed. Brilliant minds in bad situations need the chance at a proper education, just because one application names various clubs and sports while another lists a part time job doesn't mean that the former is any more advanced. While improvement has been made there's still always more room to advance the process and truly find the students whose brilliance will enhance the quality of each college. The standards by which students are held responsible are detrimentally damaging to the mental health of all students. These students are developing anxiety and depression due to the stress they are put under, and when it comes to the point where there are students committing suicide because of the stress they are put under, that is when then the admissions process must be changed to assure that a student’s mental health is more important than an essay or exam. Singular acts or activities a student performs, such as a final essay or a big home game, should never be what determines their worth as intellectuals and as people. A college admissions process that would give more opportunities to the

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