Summary Of Brent Staples A Broader Definition Of Merit

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The author Brent Staples begins his editorial “A Broader Definition of Merit: The Trouble with College Entry Exams” from the New York Times by giving a hypothetical story which introduces the topic of college entry exams. Staple’s purpose for his editorial is to argue his problems with college entry exams which may influence the reader to think a different way. His argument relies on both logic and emotions. Staples’s intended audience is people associated with college which he writes to in a neutral tone. He expects the readers to be informed. Staples expresses his main issue with college entry exams which is that more criteria than just a test score should determine acceptance, with hopes to change some colleges’ and educational institutions’ view on college entry exams. Staples is passionate about this topic which causes him to create an excellent argument. He connects the reader by starting off his editorial with a hypothetical story which raises the rhetorical question of taking a student with only great test scores or a student with poor test scores but with other criteria like volunteering and achievement. He explains that the pressure on colleges to pick the student with only a high-test score comes from the college ranking system, bond-rating …show more content…
He puts the blame on college guides and bond-rating agencies and claims they must stop using test scores as representations for academic success or even financial health. Staples believes that the practice of using minimum test scores to determine financial aid should end. He then gives an example by using the National Merit Scholarship Program and quoting a former associate president at the University of California who called it bogus. Staples explains that the “sought-after” students from this program usually do nothing to stand out and are

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