Growing up, my favorite subject was history. I find it interesting to learn about the past and all major events that have shaped our complex society and made our world what it is today. I find it sad to see history repeating itself when it relates to …show more content…
Yes, I know this is SUCH a cliché, but it’s the most recent and all I can come up with right now. I loved high school so having it end was bittersweet. I already miss the good old days when I could slack off and still pass my classes, and never pick up a book to study- that’s all over now. Yet, graduating was a significant milestone, as it is for everyone. Moving on from high school signified new beginnings, and the entrance into adulthood, which is what most kids look forward to. As I begin college, I have several concerns. The two main ones are time constraints and financial obligations. Meeting deadlines while working 36-38 hours a week will be challenging, but I know it’s not impossible. Also, due to the high costs of college, I am set for a lifetime of debt, which is disappointing. As a result of going to college and acquiring a lifetime of debt, I will become a Civil Rights Attorney then eventually, in the distant future, become a foreign service officer or work for the United Nations, or both (fingers