In a more refined sense by Ball (n.d.) it can be said that cognitive therapy is based on the premise that it is not the event itself that the individual faces but rather how they make sense of it that determines their emotional reaction.
Beck (2005), puts forward an interesting statement regarding cognitive therapy in which it aids in minimizing negative symptoms that individuals experience as well relapse …show more content…
His theory of cognitive therapy came on after he experienced a traumatic incident as child. This incident thought Beck to work through his issues cognitively, and this sparked his theory later on.
Beck (2005), states that the cognitive revolution that took place in the 1950s and 1960s shaped his theory of cognitive therapy as well as writings from Albert Ellis who is a key theorist in cognitive-behavioural therapy.
Beck attempted to test Sigmund’s Feuds hypothesis that depression stems from anger that an individual experiences internally. Beck found that these depressed individuals instead experience visions of self-blame and a sense of loss in their lives that contributes to their depression (Murdock, 2013).
Beck noticed that his clients would free associate thoughts in a session that related to their emotional state they were experiencing, he focused his attention on these thoughts which he later called it automatic thoughts, through this process cognitive therapy was launched ( Murdock, …show more content…
The relationship is seen as collaborative with both the client and the therapist working together in a healthy, productive environment.
Murdock (2005), points out that the cognitive therapist is seen as the expert and provides the client with a lot of information and skills based on their presenting problem. Cognitive therapists are very engaging with their client and ask a lot of questions.
Based on what is provided on the role of a cognitive therapist one can make an inference that this therapeutic relationship is very collaborative and in order for this therapy to be successful it requires effort on both sides.
Process of cognitive therapy
Cognitive therapy sessions are structured in a way that the therapist plays an active role in the process. A treatment plan is discussed with the client and regular feedback from the client is given at the start of every session so that the therapist can address any misconceptions that arises as therapy progresses (Knapp & Beck, 2008)
Homework is also given to the client and this is checked in sessions. The therapeutic alliance is a strong determinate of treatment outcome it cognitive therapy (Murdock,