There are a few films create a perception of inefficiencies of government as well as how these inefficiencies can lead to harmful if not deadly consequences. In Bryon Howard’s 2016 film, Zootopia, we can use the classic Department of Motor Vehicles (“DMV”) scene to illustrate inefficiency. In the scene at the DMV a rookie cop gets the help of a DMV employee depicted as a slow-moving sloth. The rookie cops need to run a license plate quickly, to track down a lead but due to the sloth movement it takes longer than it should. Additionally, due to the attention the DMV employee requires to devote to the task at hands and minor mistake leads him to slowly but surely attempt to remedy it by repeating the process from the beginning. In Jonathan Demme’s 2004 film, The Manchurian Candidate the main character is a famed war hero who was been brainwashed to run for president by an international party. Throughout his campaign a veteran played by Denzel Washington becomes aware of the corruption that is occurring. Denzel tries several ways to get this information to the government, public and even the president himself but finds it difficult to get important information to government officials. Next, in Danny Cannon’s 2017 TV Series, Gotham, the city has been plagued by crime and the police has been unsuccessful in addressing such criminal activities. One criminal named Penguin sees the how inefficient the police are and decides to privatize crime to assist the citizens of the city by cutting out the police. Penguin, is successful in his efforts. Additionally, in Nick Cassavetes’ 2002 film, John Q, a father is faced with the difficult reality that the system he relied on was not as interested in providing benefits/medical assistance to its patients but to systematically push patients through and obtain financial benefits, which leads to the potential death of his young son. The common theme/characteristic in these films are that the bureaucratic system, has one purpose which is to provide a system to deal with the number of citizens or individuals in need of it. Some of these systems, due to its failure lead to harming the very people it was meant to protect. The harm may be direct, or indirect in but regardless it is necessary to ensure that this harm is prevented and or remedied as soon as possible by whatever means possible. Nexus Between Cinema and Life In the movies discussed, we can find a lot of the characteristics of an inefficient government negatively impacting its citizens. …show more content…
Zootopia hit home for many of us who have received very poor and slow service at the DMV. It has become common practice for anyone going to the DMV to clear their schedule for the day. Simply filling out paper for a new NYS identification card or license plate can take all day. According to the NYC Department of Motor Vehicles the average wait time in 3 hours. The movie does a great job of depicting how the DMV is in the real world. Wait times for the DMV may differ according to the site you are visiting and if they have any recent technological upgrades. Although the DMV may have a mad reputation, the workers are not at fault.The reason behind this wait is not only technology but because of the boreoarctic nature of the job A study focusing on the multiple dimensions of how the government is represented in films showed that when the overall depiction of movies were examined, they found that 30 % percent of films examined depicted …show more content…
However, because of the political reasons behind changing the law and having to first deal with the Federal Government. Not only is the federal bureaucracy not taken action but it has been an un-willing participant and not part of the conversation for years. In 1968, after the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Gun Control Act was passed in order to push for strict licensing and regulations for fire arms is passed and imposes stricter licensing and regulation on the firearms industry, establishes new categories of firearms offenses, and prohibits the sale of firearms and ammunition to felons and certain other prohibited persons. It also imposes the first Federal jurisdiction over "destructive devices," including bombs, mines, grenades and other similar