The weaknesses are analyzed to formulate how Chick-fil-A can sustain the competitive advantage. The only place where Chick-fil-A didn't rank highly was in speed of service. The average wait time at Chick-fil-A's drive thru is 4 minutes and 16 seconds, which is about 31 seconds longer than the average drive-thru wait time (Peterson, 2016).” Lean manufacturing process must be used in order for Chick-fil-A to improve and remain competitive. Chick-fil-A can benefit from utilizing a lean manufacturing principles. “Lean manufacturing, on the other hand, tackles the inefficiencies throughout the value streams of an organization. Eliminating or minimizing the eight wastes, lowers costs, while short runs make it easy to spot and deal with quality issues. These areas are addressed by the lean manufacturing approach. However, lean manufacturing alone will not lead to a Six Sigma quality level (Ward et al,2015).” This approach is suggested because unlike Chipotle quality does not seem to be a factor. Speed is the area Chick-fil-A can improve on by eliminating the eight types of waste and reducing cycle time to complete …show more content…
There are also many concepts and tools that either don’t apply or will not improve processes. In the Chipotle case, it was beneficial to use Six Sigma. “Six Sigma specifically addresses customer requirements, or the “Voice of the Customer,” by focusing on reducing variation in existing processes to give results that are essentially defect free (Ward et al, 2015).” Chipotle would not have benefitted from International Standards Organization (ISO) quality because it better suited for technical companies and does not guarantee improvement and safety. The uniformed standards do fit the Chipotle’s differentiated philosophy and therefore, sustainable solutions would have been hard to implement. Total Quality management (TQM) is not a fitting because it relies on previously developed tools and approaches making it frankly an outdated