was sleeping on her stomach when she felt the hand running up from her inner knee to her groin area. Elizabeth S. swatted the hand away but felt the hand running up her leg again. She said the hand did not reach her groin area or vagina but came within an inch of reaching her vagina. The second time she felt the hand she kicked her legs and hit a subject who was laying on the foot of the bed. Elizabeth S. said after the kick, she curled up her legs because she did not want to be touched anymore. The officer asked Elizabeth S. who she thought had touched her legs and she said Jovahn Butler. The officer asked why she did not think it was Travis T. and she said because after the kick she looked down at the foot of the bed and she saw black hair and Travis C. had blonde hair. She said though it was dark in the room, she saw Butler’s dark head of hair. She also said Travis C. and Jovahn Butler have different body builds and it is definitely Jovahn Butler’s body that she …show more content…
Butler told her that he was high and did not remember. The officer asked Butler why his best friend and two good friends would lie about him inappropriately touching them. Butler said he could not think of a good reason why they would lie. However, he said he honestly did not remember anything after he fell asleep but did say he was sorry because he used drugs which may have caused his activity that night. The officer asked him if he remembered rubbing his hands back and forth over Myia O.’s clothing touching her vagina and he said no. the officer asked if he reached underneath Maryanne C.’s shirt to touch her breast and he said he did not remember doing that. The officer asked if he ran his hand up Elizabeth S.’s thighs and he said he did not remember any of it. Based upon the investigation, the officer believed that Butler intentionally touched Myia O’s vagina for sexual gratification because there were repeated attempts to touch other parts of her as well as the other victim’s