Customization would improveproductivity and quality of the nursing home.I found it striking that it is difficult to increase the wages and benefits of CNA’s.That is a simple way to make people want to work and stay working for you. If the pay islow, they will eventually look for a higher paying job with more advancementopportunities. This is relevant in my role in healthcare because I, myself, would notenjoy being stuck on the same level for so long. I would eventually become an RN andleave my CNA position. I do believe that the quality of worker care effects the quality ofresident care. You can see a difference in the work of someone who enjoys and iscommitted to their job and someone who isn’t. This article has made me realize that Ineed to do whatever I can to build healthy relationships with my co-workers andresidents. If I focus on the reason I am doing the job instead of what I am getting out ofit myself, I will do better work. The quality of workers makes the quality of a nursinghome.I would like to know the steps, if any, these nursing homes took to improveteamwork, management, benefits, and any other precautions to increase the CNA’sdedication and intent to stay. This article could be used positively if nursing homes takethese suggestions into consideration.Research done about Certified Nurse Assistants (CNA) has shown that improvingthe quality and effectiveness of a nursing home begins with improving the satisfaction ofworkers. When CNAs have a greater intent to stay or enjoy their work, it is easier forthem to please the residents. Research found that in order to improve the satisfaction
Customization would improveproductivity and quality of the nursing home.I found it striking that it is difficult to increase the wages and benefits of CNA’s.That is a simple way to make people want to work and stay working for you. If the pay islow, they will eventually look for a higher paying job with more advancementopportunities. This is relevant in my role in healthcare because I, myself, would notenjoy being stuck on the same level for so long. I would eventually become an RN andleave my CNA position. I do believe that the quality of worker care effects the quality ofresident care. You can see a difference in the work of someone who enjoys and iscommitted to their job and someone who isn’t. This article has made me realize that Ineed to do whatever I can to build healthy relationships with my co-workers andresidents. If I focus on the reason I am doing the job instead of what I am getting out ofit myself, I will do better work. The quality of workers makes the quality of a nursinghome.I would like to know the steps, if any, these nursing homes took to improveteamwork, management, benefits, and any other precautions to increase the CNA’sdedication and intent to stay. This article could be used positively if nursing homes takethese suggestions into consideration.Research done about Certified Nurse Assistants (CNA) has shown that improvingthe quality and effectiveness of a nursing home begins with improving the satisfaction ofworkers. When CNAs have a greater intent to stay or enjoy their work, it is easier forthem to please the residents. Research found that in order to improve the satisfaction