During this time, people started coming up with new ideas and questions, things to do with the earth like whether the sun revolved around the earth, or if the earth revolved around the sun. There was a new invention called the printing press. This was a machine that could make the book making process faster. This led to more people being able to read and books becoming less rare to find in stores and homes. …show more content…
So much so that saying no to the church was almost a crime. The church was in a lot of debt, and in order to relieve some of this debt, the pope created something called an indulgence. “The purposes [of indulgences] served should be proper and reasonable… remission of punishment due for temporal sins…”(Doc6) This was little slip of paper that was supposed to give the buyer a pass into heaven, a ticket out of purgatory. “Also [bishops and high priest] make many new points of belief, and say it is not enough to believe in Jesus Christ…”(Doc1) This could also be used on a dead loved one by placing it on their grave. It was supposed to help their souls pass from purgatory to