Printing Press Dbq

Improved Essays
The fifteenth-century marked the beginning of a revolutionary technology that once more evolved the way in which humans communicate. Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press in the 1450’s would lead to a more knowledgeable and informed society. In the aftermath of the printing press’s discovery, its influence would affect many areas of human existence. A religious reformation would inform its followers, geographical exploration would open new horizons, and the spread of literature and scientific and medical knowledge would educate the masses. In many ways, important consequences of the printing press would reshape and revolutionize the human endeavor. The invention of Gutenberg’s printing press is one of the most significant …show more content…
Ways in which the printing press was an aide to religious believers were in part due to the new found ways in which believers of any religion could easily spread their message of beliefs and practices to a larger audience. An example of this is Martin Luther’s 95 Theses to which he posted on the door of the Catholic church to create debate among the Catholic church followers in the sale of indulgences. The printing press gave Luther a platform to spread his message and beliefs across to hundreds of thousands of people in Germany. According to Document D between 1518 and 1525 a third of all books were produced in Germany were by Luther himself. An example of what was published in a Lutheran Booklet are seen in woodcuts in Document E expressing the pope as the “money changer” Jesus chased out of the temple. With the popularity of such books, there was a backlash from the pope himself calling Luther a “wild boar”. Although Luther never intended in using the new technology of the printing press as means to start a revolution he did bring about a change in Religion which effects are seen taking place in the map on Documents F. Although on the opposite spectrum of the printing press were the Polyglot Bibles. These bibles as seen in Document G were translations of the same text in different vernaculars as a means to bring people together. In cases such as the Protestant Reformation usage of the printing press were both used in ways to reshape and revolutionize the way in which the world viewed certain aspects of religion.( Documents

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