1732 Dbq Analysis

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In 1732, there was a charter made by King George II. This charter was the colony of Georgia, named after him. King George sent over James Oglethorpe and 50 families. A lot of people wonder, “Was the colony of Georgia a success or failure?” The charter of 1732 was a failure. There are three reasons why, Colonists died from disease, the intended crops failed, and the climate was unsuitable.

Many people died because of yellow fever. Fourteen people died in total. Yellow Fever is spread around by flies. In document A, it states, “In 1732, a yellow fever outbreak occurred due to the clearing of pine trees on Yamacraw Bluff” . When they cleared the trees, it left big holes which filled with water, which are breeding grounds for mosquitos. In document G, The Salzburgers were talking about the flies. They referred to them as “The little vermin and little flies” The fact that the salzburgers talked about the flies being vermin helps connect the flies and yellow fever problem,where people died.
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When the colonists came to Georgia they thought that it would boost the economy to grow crops that could not grow in New England. Georgia is on the same latitude line as China, so the colonists thought that the same crops that could grow in china could grow in Georgia. Two of China’s main crops are silk and wine, which can’t grow in georgia. In document c, it states that “Mulberry leaves were used to feed silkworms in sericulture,the cultivation of silk.” Silk worms live on Mulberry leaves. They eat the leaves and make cocoons which are made out of silk. It was really hard for the silk worms to grow in Georgia because of the climate. The climate would be very hot which the silkworms got hotter, until the day they die. THis information helps prove my point in this

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