Differences Between Northern And Southern Colonies

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Due to the geographic differences between the Northern and Southern colonies, the development of their economies was based off of different goods and services. In the South, with its “temperate climate and long growing season” (Davidson, et al 88), colonists found that the soil was fertile and therefore suitable for the large scale growth of first, tobacco, but later other crops including indigo, rice, and cotton. Southern colonist could grow these crops essentially all year as the temperature in the region remained the same. Unfortunately, the geography of the region did not allow for “good harbors and navigable rivers” (Davidson, et al 74), ensuring that the Southern colonies would remain mostly agricultural. In contrast, the Northern colonies …show more content…
When colonist landed in the Chesapeake in what they later named Jamestown, they were met with a “marshy, thickly wooded site [that] served as a breeding ground for malaria” (Davidson, et al 62) and a host of other diseases including dysentery, typhoid and yellow fever. The death rate for the Chesapeake was unimaginable. A Chesapeake man was only expected to live to “a mere 48 years” (Davidson, et al 63). Even as the death rate declined and life expectancies began to increase in the 1630s and 40s, high mortality rates still broke Chesapeake families. One third of children who had reached the age of 18 had outlived both of their parents. Without their parents, there was no adults to help create stability and order within the Chesapeake. In comparison, “New England proved more hospitable to the English” (Davidson, et al 93). As a result, most immigrants arrived in “family groups - not as young single, indentured servants... whose discontents unsettled Virginian society” (Davidson, et al 93). Immigrants and their descendents thrived in New England 's climate. They thrived so much that the “first generation of colonists lived to average age of 70” (Davidson, et al 93), double that of Virginia and 10 years longer than those living in England. Along with a very low death rate, two adult generations were “often on hand to encourage order within New England” (Davidson, et al

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