With more women in the New England colonies, they were able to reproduce more frequently, and there was less disease. The Puritan lifestyle was not lenient at all, and there was no separation between the church and the state. If people spoke against the word of their minister they would be subject to fines and even whippings. “Strict codes of conduct meant colonists could be tried for drunkenness, card playing, dancing, or idleness” (A People & a Nation, 50). There were people who opposed the beliefs of the Puritans were put on trial and ultimately banished from the colonies. Although their sole purpose was not to convert others to their religious practices, there were some settlers who took it upon themselves to teach their ways. These mission trips weren’t extremely successful, but some Indians did convert. They used religion to try and help cope with their ever altered lifestyles. The settlers had intruded on every aspect of their lives and that created much stress for the tribes. The New England colonies were more successful in their settlement for longer periods of time than the Chesapeake colonies, because of their family lifestyles, and their more nurturing climate. But there were still many struggles for the New England settlers as
With more women in the New England colonies, they were able to reproduce more frequently, and there was less disease. The Puritan lifestyle was not lenient at all, and there was no separation between the church and the state. If people spoke against the word of their minister they would be subject to fines and even whippings. “Strict codes of conduct meant colonists could be tried for drunkenness, card playing, dancing, or idleness” (A People & a Nation, 50). There were people who opposed the beliefs of the Puritans were put on trial and ultimately banished from the colonies. Although their sole purpose was not to convert others to their religious practices, there were some settlers who took it upon themselves to teach their ways. These mission trips weren’t extremely successful, but some Indians did convert. They used religion to try and help cope with their ever altered lifestyles. The settlers had intruded on every aspect of their lives and that created much stress for the tribes. The New England colonies were more successful in their settlement for longer periods of time than the Chesapeake colonies, because of their family lifestyles, and their more nurturing climate. But there were still many struggles for the New England settlers as