They tended to talk about ideas of how people should be in this current world. For example, Laozi talks about how we should not amass wealth and worry about money, because he thinks it corrupts you (Doc 1). In document three, the Buddha also discusses how spirituality relates to this world. His sermon discusses that people should use “Right Speech, Right Conduct, Right Livelihood…” (Doc 3). He continues further listing other important ideas. All of his statements are guidelines of a moral code of how he thinks you should act. Confucius also briefly discusses similar ideas. He says to serve men, not ghosts because he does not want to worry about an after life, what is important to him is this world. (Doc 5). In document one, it can be argues that Laozi is against wealth because he was not rich. This could slant his point of view to be against having lots of money. Other more religious people tended to focus on religion relating to their gods or life after death. In the Hindu poem (the Bhagavad-Gita), it mentions that our bodies end, but the “embodied Self” is enduring and indestructible. This means that they think this world does not matter because your soul is immortal (Doc 8). Plato discusses what will happen after death. He writes about if people will all be in one place after death or if we will lose awareness, but he thinks only God knows (Doc 2). Document 4 is an excerpt from the Hebrew bible about Noah and God’s covenant after a great flood. God make a convenient to him about never flooding the earth again. The section focuses on Noah and his relation to his god. Saint Paul says that God will offer salvation to everyone that has faith, indicating that he believes that there is life after death, specifically Heaven. He also mentions that his God is the God of all people, including gentiles. (Doc 6). In document six, Saint Paul’s point of view is slanted towards Christianity since he is a Christian, which is why he says his God is the real and only God. Some religions express artwork to show and honor their gods and ideas. One picture is of a sculpture representing a Hindu god. It is the Hindu god Vishnu with a worshiper. Vishnu is one of the three major gods in Hinduism. (Doc 9). A picture of
They tended to talk about ideas of how people should be in this current world. For example, Laozi talks about how we should not amass wealth and worry about money, because he thinks it corrupts you (Doc 1). In document three, the Buddha also discusses how spirituality relates to this world. His sermon discusses that people should use “Right Speech, Right Conduct, Right Livelihood…” (Doc 3). He continues further listing other important ideas. All of his statements are guidelines of a moral code of how he thinks you should act. Confucius also briefly discusses similar ideas. He says to serve men, not ghosts because he does not want to worry about an after life, what is important to him is this world. (Doc 5). In document one, it can be argues that Laozi is against wealth because he was not rich. This could slant his point of view to be against having lots of money. Other more religious people tended to focus on religion relating to their gods or life after death. In the Hindu poem (the Bhagavad-Gita), it mentions that our bodies end, but the “embodied Self” is enduring and indestructible. This means that they think this world does not matter because your soul is immortal (Doc 8). Plato discusses what will happen after death. He writes about if people will all be in one place after death or if we will lose awareness, but he thinks only God knows (Doc 2). Document 4 is an excerpt from the Hebrew bible about Noah and God’s covenant after a great flood. God make a convenient to him about never flooding the earth again. The section focuses on Noah and his relation to his god. Saint Paul says that God will offer salvation to everyone that has faith, indicating that he believes that there is life after death, specifically Heaven. He also mentions that his God is the God of all people, including gentiles. (Doc 6). In document six, Saint Paul’s point of view is slanted towards Christianity since he is a Christian, which is why he says his God is the real and only God. Some religions express artwork to show and honor their gods and ideas. One picture is of a sculpture representing a Hindu god. It is the Hindu god Vishnu with a worshiper. Vishnu is one of the three major gods in Hinduism. (Doc 9). A picture of