Her mother reported that there were no remarkable concerns during her pregnancy with Sallie. Sallie’s developmental milestones are all within normal limits. Sallie’s mother reported that when Sallie was a toddler, she would become frustrated when her parents were unable to understand her.
Sallie is in the 3rd grade at Valencia Elementary School. Her parents and teacher are concerned that Sallie does not understand what is being said to her in the classroom environment. Sallie’s vocabulary, feeding, speech sounds, and speech developmental rate are unremarkable. Sallie’s language is an area of concern, according to her parents and teacher. The concern about Sallie’s language was first noted this year by her classroom teacher.
Oral Structures & Function: An oral mechanism examination was completed for Sallie. The examination assessed facial symmetry, lip and jaw functioning, hard palate shape and tissue, tongue and velopharyngeal functioning, teeth and gum abnormalities, and motor speech programming abilities. All oral mechanisms that were assessed were within the normal limits for the articulation of speech sounds. Vision & Hearing: No vision or hearing problems were reported for Sallie. Sallie’s mother reported that Sallie had passed her most recent hearing screening. Her hearing capabilities were screened at school in Fall 2013. Standardized Assessment & Interpretation: Sallie completed the Sounds-In-Words portion of the Goldman-Fristoe 2 Test of Articulation (GFTA-2). …show more content…
The GFTA-2 elicits the production of 61 consonant sounds by using 34 picture plates and 53 target words. Standardized scores were collected, but these scores cannot be compared to the general population. The GFTA-2 does not reach a normal distribution for most ages. For the GFTA-2 the standard score average is 100 with a standard deviation of 15. The average score means that any scores greater than 100 are above average and any scores less than 100 are below average. For the test-age equivalent score, it should be observed that the test-age equivalent scores do not go above the ages 7-8. Sallie’s raw score of 0 indicates that no errors were recorded. Her standard score of 103 indicates that she is above the average for those taking this test. Her percentile rank of >46 means that 46% of individuals in the norm-referenced group scored equal to or less than Sallie. Sallie’s above average score is consistent with reports that she does not have trouble with articulation of speech sounds. Sallie’s overall articulation capabilities are well within normal limits. Sallie’s receptive and expressive language skills were also assessed using the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals: Fourth Edition (CELF-4). The CELF-4 contains subtests for concepts and following directions, word structure, recalling sentences, formulated sentences, word classes- receptive, word classes- expressive, sentence structure, expressive vocabulary, understanding spoken paragraphs, phonological awareness, word associations, number repetition- forward, number repetition- backward, familiar sequences, and rapid automatic naming. The CELF-4 also contains a core language score, which shows Sallie’s overall language abilities. This score is calculated by using scores of 4 subtests. The core language scores have a mean