This project involved working with a client with acquired aphasia in writing a book about a topic of their choosing. The goal of this program was not only to increase physical communication abilities, but also to increase positive attitudes about rehabilitation. The SLPs who directed this program taught me how this profession is about the whole person. It is about giving individuals with communication disorders the ability to communicate and the confidence in doing so. These two inseparable aspects of therapy reinforced what I already knew to be my intrinsic reasons for wanting to be an …show more content…
The mission of Emerson, to offer family-centered therapy with the main goal of functional rehabilitation, is closely aligned with my future goals as a therapist. What drew me to Emerson’s program was the metropolitan city of Boston, where the university is located, and the diversity in clients with whom graduate students have the opportunity to serve. Through the on-campus clinic experience at the technologically advanced Robbins Center and the multitude of off-campus clinical practices that are accessible to students in Boston and surrounding areas, I feel confident that I will gain experience in all areas of the broad scope of practice of an SLP. I believe my experiences as an undergraduate make me capable of excelling in the classroom, clinical field, and research field of Emerson’s program and beyond. My goal is to strengthen and add to these skills through attending Emerson College. I will strive to become a well-rounded therapist that is able to treat individuals of all ages, cultures, disorders, and