Generalization groups similar sounds together. For example, a child is receiving treatment for the production errors of fricatives more specifically the ‘f’ sound. Although the ‘f’ is the sound targeted sound for intervention, the child could properly produce the ‘v’ sound among other fricatives because of the generalization of the therapy for the error produced. In summary, generalization is the correct production of sounds that are not targeted for treatment, but are produced correctly due to the behaviors that come from the error sounds that are being
Generalization groups similar sounds together. For example, a child is receiving treatment for the production errors of fricatives more specifically the ‘f’ sound. Although the ‘f’ is the sound targeted sound for intervention, the child could properly produce the ‘v’ sound among other fricatives because of the generalization of the therapy for the error produced. In summary, generalization is the correct production of sounds that are not targeted for treatment, but are produced correctly due to the behaviors that come from the error sounds that are being