“Our children are our future!” most people say. All of us have heard this statement before since we were little kids, but are kids really our future or is it just a stereotype passed on through generations? They should be having fun but at the same time, parents should also look after them and guide them to be prepared for the challenges of the real world when looking for a good job. Nowadays, kids choose to stay home and play video games, or on the other hand, they would prioritize their job more than their education because they think they can support themselves with their money; however, we should not tolerate that; it is not worth achieving to carry on in the field with …show more content…
Based on the research, demands are higher for college graduates. The reason why is simply because a person with a higher educational attainment has better skills and has more knowledge as compared with the lower ones; especially, on a specific field of study. The curriculum for high school offers general basics and understanding of courses like Learning English, General Science and Physics, Home Economics and Basic Mathematics, unlike when you pursue a college degree, the courses taken are specific within the field of study which allows a college graduate to work on his specific field with great knowledge and skills on it. However, Going to college and getting a degree is not the only option when it comes to opening up a better future. Many famous icons like Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Larry Ellison and Michael Dell, did not pursue a college degree, but still managed to be very well financially and personally. According to classroom.synonym.com “Careers in the arts may not require a college education and it may make more sense to seek job opportunities directly instead of going to college. While you are statistically more likely to earn …show more content…
82%) and significantly less likely to be unemployed (3.8% vs. 12.2%).” It is very important to see the facts before making your choices for a career. Going to college usually takes about 2 to 4 years to finish, and many are discouraged by how expensive it is paying up the tuition fees, but, going to college is a worthy investment. Unlike the interim possessions we have like our parent’s wealth, houses, cars, and lands, A College Degree nails itself permanently on your resume, and it’s the level of its recognition does not decrease. Once you obtain it, it is forever in your name. So, despite, counting the years of paying up student loans, you cannot count the years on how long your degree would be recognized by employers, thus, it would constantly let a degree holder stay on a certain rate of unemployment, while, the value of high school diplomas on the job market declines as pewsocialtrends.org explains “The explanation for this puzzling finding lies in another major economic trend reshaping the economic landscape: The dramatic decline in the value of a high school education. While earnings of those with a college degree rose, the typical high school graduate’s earnings fell by more than $3,000, from $31,384 in 1965 to $28,000 in 2013. This decline, the Pew Research analysis found, has been large enough to nearly offset the gains