Bibl 104 Week 1 Assignment

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This writing assignment report will reflect, in many cases, chapter by chapter reflection of the material read from two books. In each section review I will be responding with a general statement about the chapter and any reflections, thoughts or opinions gleamed from my studies.
Father, Son, & Holy Spirt
Chapter 1 of the Father, Son, & Holy Spirt pulls the reader into a discussion about why understanding the Trinity is important in the life of Christian believer. Ware expounds on the point that Gods wisdom chose reveal himself as Triune. Causing mankind to lean towards gaining wisdom about Him by means of faith alone. Chapter 2 focuses on how we, believers of today, should leverage history and experiences gained by previous theologians
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Which is how to refer to the three, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, without diminishing one or increasing another. Ware careful expresses this need to refer to each with perspective almost to divide their roles. I’m a bit more careful to taking this approach, because I believe it leads to our general concern of, God does this, and Jesus does that, so that means the Holy Spirit is only responsible for this. I prefer to leave it at God is one working in us through three means of operation.
Chapter 4 Ware begins to peel the onion back on the roles and responsibilities of the Son which further drills into my previous point. Nevertheless, our Savior and the love story of redemption tied up in Jesus the Christ. I believe Ware does a great job in helping to give light to Jesus considering his mission to save, while not diminishing his role as being eternal. Christ ministry is dominated with regards to our view of the Trinity. But I suggest that it should be to us seeing how his work has provided us with the safety needed to be reconciled with
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In chapter 4 Milne wrestles with the very clear understanding to some, and maybe new to others, that God never tries to prove his existence. However, instead looks to explain how we should be reconciled with him and for what purposes. Chapter 5 then begins to help us understand the character of God which naturally begs discussion about the trinity. However, in my opinion, Milne does a poor job in addressing how to view the trinity or offers and apologetic positioning around troubling issues that arise for this topic.
Chapter 6 swiftly moves from the triune Gods attributes into a very lose construction of materials. I struggled with this portion of the reading because it appears that Calvinism was trying to be inserted to create a platform, but somehow it was out of place. Yet Milne does go on to discuss very specific characteristics of God that adds scriptural reference for His omnipotence, omnipresence, eternity and omniscience. Gods holiness is then contrast with his love. Which I found to be an awesome

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