David L. Allen and Steve W. Lemke’s manuscript lays a foundation of definition in preparation of the coming evaluation. Readers are informed of the supposed resurgence of Calvinism into the thinking of Southern Baptist parishioners. As a result, the John 3:26 conference was held on November 6 & 7 2008 to present a critique and perspective on five-point Calvinism. The work initiates a procedural evaluation beginning with Jerry Vine’s Sermon on John 3:16 in response to total deprivation.
This scripture is described as the power packed Bible in miniature, Mount Everest of Holy Scripture and most exquisite flower in scripture’s …show more content…
Irresistible Grace requires regeneration by the Holy Spirit before the earlier described invitation can be accepted. As a result, the doctrine negates the need for evangelism or missions because these tasks are completed directly by the Holy Spirit. Irresistible Grace illustrates a God disingenuously commanding a message of potential salvation to those destined to destruction. Comparatively, this doctrine also explains that regenerated humanity does not have the ability to choose anything other than the will of