Rhetorical Analysis Of Our Identity And Our Destiny

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Rhetorical Appeal
Tad R. Callister, Our Identity and Our Destiny. This BYU address focuses on the fundamental Latter Day Saint belief and relationship as literal children of God.
Callister argues on the side of the frequently attacked topic, that humans have the potential to become like God. He effectively convinces that mankind is spiritually connected to a Father in Heaven. Callister quickly grabs his audience imaginations by telling the story of how he came to the knowledge of his message. He uses clever similes that relate everyday objects or things back to his original topic. For example, he states “we are the spirit creations of God, just as a building is the creation of its architect or a painting the creation of its painter.” Instead of just stating his point, he showed emphasis by comparing different things in order to see a simple and clear interpretation. To some the thought of being a God might be foreign so, Callister made it relatable and realistic with his words. Later on in the address, he quotes Elder Packer telling the audience “You are a child of God. He is the father of your spirit. Spiritually you are of noble birth… Hold
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He taught we should seek after progression and hope to attain perfection. Our true identity as literal sons and daughters of God is demonstrated by our action. By knowing God created us, we are more likely to keep his commandments. Our desire to return to him again will expand. He uses the presence of ethos to display how it’s possible to acquire perfection with all of our sins, and weakness. Tad R. Callister expands that solution to overcoming our imperfections was the Atonement of Jesus Christ, which supplies “resources to lift us above our mortal restraints and propel us to divine heights.” Understanding our identity and destiny provides greater motivation to live the gospel and to obtain

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